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International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIET)

Event Serial:- 44780


Contact Person:- Conference coordinator

Event Enquiries Email Address:- [email protected]

Deadline For Abstracts/Proposals:- 2025-08-13

Organized By:- Iserd

Venue:- Chiang Mai , Thailand

About Event

The idea of the conference in thailand is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. This Conference is Organized by International Society for Engineering Research and DevelopmentISERD. The conference would offer a large number of invited lectures from renowned speakers all over the country. The Best paper awards will be given for the papers judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.

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International Conference on Cardiology & Cardiovascular Research



With immense pride, we extend a warm invitation to the “International Conference in india on Cardiology & Cardiovascular Research”, set to take place from May 20-21, 2024. This significant gathering will be hosted in the charming city of Singapore.

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International Conference on Immunology & Infectious Diseases

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from Immunology & Infectious Diseases 2024!!

The Scientific Committee of ICIID-2024 invites you to participate in our upcoming “International Conference on Immunology & Infectious Diseases” scheduled during April 22-24, 2024 in Dubai, UAE which provides an international conference in india platform for discussion of present and future summons in Advancements of immunology in curing the deadly infectious diseases, expertise meeting and review of research. World-leading Immunologists, Pathologists, Microbiologists, Biochemists, Scientists, Doctors, and Doctorates will present cutting-edge and practical immunological techniques and methods with accepted evidence and will introduce new and emerging research.

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International Summit on Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering

ScitechSeries proudly presents that allows you to participate  at Boston, USA, or Virtually from your home or workplace. International conference in india Summit on Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering from November 06-07, 2024 the focus is on Crafting Health: The Role of Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering in Wellness

International Summit on Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering serves as a pivotal gathering aimed at providing attendees with invaluable global tools and guidance. It functions as a catalyst for building robust communities that extend across the globe, fostering collaboration in the realms of worldwide education, research, and heightened awareness concerning  in the  field of biotechnology .This summit stands as a distinguished global platform, facilitating the seamless sharing of ideas, knowledge, and innovative solutions spanning various countries and specialties.

We extend a heartfelt invitation for you to be an integral part of this exceptional gathering, where the latest advancements are seamlessly blended with a steadfast commitment to the pursuit of excellence in Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering


International Conference on Immunology & Infectious Diseases

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from Immunology & Infectious Diseases 2024!!

The Scientific Committee of ICIID-2024 invites you to participate in our upcoming “International Conference in indua on Immunology & Infectious Diseases” scheduled during April 22-24, 2024 in Dubai, UAE which provides an international platform for discussion of present and future summons in Advancements of immunology in curing the deadly infectious diseases, expertise meeting and review of research. World-leading Immunologists, Pathologists, Microbiologists, Biochemists, Scientists, Doctors, and Doctorates will present cutting-edge and practical immunological techniques and methods with accepted evidence and will introduce new and emerging research.

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International Conference on Occupational Health & Public Safety

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from Occupational Health & Public Safety 2024!!

We are enchanted to welcome all of you to join and register for the ”International Conference on Occupational Health & Public Safety” which is going to be held during February 26-28, 2024 in London, UK will include prompt Keynote Presentations, Oral Presentations, Young Research Forum, Poster Presentations, and Exhibitions.

Conference Theme: “Workplace, Health & Safety: Eminence in Research & innovation”.

Conference website Link


Global research conference on Magnetism Magnetic Materials & Spintronics

It is our pleasure to cordially invite you all to join the “Global Research Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials and Spintronics (GRCMMM2024)” in Munich, Germany during September 23-25, 2024.

The GRCMMM2024 is the vital platform for exchanging recent achievements and discussing future facilities in Soft Magnetic Materials, Structural Materials, Spintronics – Fundamentals and Devices, Micro magnetics, Novel Magnetic Materials and Device Applications Sensors, High Frequency Devices and Power Devices Special Magnetic Materials Spin torque switching, spin torque Nano-oscillators and detectors Spintronic devices Spintronics – Fundamentals and Devices Spintronics and Magnetization Dynamics Spintronics for neuromorphic and unconventional computing Structured Materials etc.,


International Conference on Pediatrics & Neonatology 2024

With great pride and honor, we would like to solicit your presence for all the SpeakersDelegates at “International Conference in india on Pediatrics and Neonatology” during 20-21 June, 2023 in Kualalumpur, Malaysia.

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International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management

Event Serial-1065925
Contact Person- Conference coordinator
Event enquiries email address- [email protected]
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2024-08-26
Organized by: Academicsera
Venue: Santiago,  Chile

About Event

ICSTEM is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management to a common forum. All the registered papers will be published by the World Research Library conference in chile and will be submitted for review for indexing by Google Scholar etc.

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International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data Engineering (ICAIMLBDE)

Event Serial-1044445
Contact Person- Conference coordinator
Event enquiries email address- [email protected]
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2024-02-26
Organized by: Isete
Venue: Singapore,  Singapore

About Event

The aim objective of ICAIMLBDE is to present the latest research and results of scientists related Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data Engineering topics. This conference in singapore provides opportunities for the different areas delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. We hope that the conference results constituted significant contribution to the knowledge in these up to date scientific field. The organizing committee of conference is pleased to invite prospective authors to submit their original manuscripts to ICAIMLBDE.

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